Blue Diagonal EM Fixed Income Fund

blue sail

Blue Diagonal EM Fixed Income Fund

The Fund is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.

Past Performance represented by proxy shares

* The strategy of the Fund represents an economic continuation of Blue Diagonal AIF V.C.I.C. Plc - Blue Diagonal EM Fixed Income Fund, and the predecessor shares of the ICAV share classes has been defined as proxy shares and the predecessor shares classes price history has been retained to represent the track record of the ICAV share - please refer to the Fund Supplement to the Prospectus section 13 Appendix II.
The ICAV has been authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland (C524852), and the Fund has been authorised as a QIAIF by the Central Bank of Ireland (C528868) . 
Blue Diagonal Capital Ltd is the external manager of the ICAV and  is a Cyprus Alternative Investment Fund Manager authorised and regulated by CySEC (AIFM15/56/2013) in accordance with the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Law of 2013 as amended


The information on the ICAV is provided by Blue Diagonal Capital Ltd (the “AIFM”) who has been appointed by the ICAV pursuant to prevailing AIFM Legislation. The AIFM is authorised and regulated by Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission.  The ICAV is a Qualifying Investor AIF incorporated in Ireland, and marketing of the units are restricted to Professional and Qualifying Investors in Ireland.
Blue Diagonal EM Fixed income Fund is a Fund of the ICAV (the “Fund”). The Fund is actively managed and is not managed in reference to any benchmark index.
The material presented on this website does not constitute “marketing” as defined in AIFMD Article 4(1)(x) and should not be used or considered as an offer or the solicitation of an offer to sell or to buy or subscribe for shares or units in the ICAV, nor shall it, or the fact of its distribution, form the basis of, or be relied upon in connection with, any contract relating to such action. It is not a contractually binding document and is not sufficient to take an investment decision
The material presented on this website does not constitute, nor should it be regarded as, investment research as it has not been prepared in accordance with the legal requirements designed to promote independence of research and is not subject to any restriction on dealing in any of the assets in which the Fund may have invested, or intend to invest.
This material is based on information that the AIFM considers reliable and pursuant to the valuation policies and practices of the AIFM, but it has not been subject to an independent audit or confirmation by the ICAV’s fund administrator. 
*It should be noted that the NAV/share specified for share classes are based on the AIFM’s “Flash NAV” meaning the NAV determined by the AIFM based on its internal valuation policies and procedures, and may be subject to re-statement to the extent that the Administrator of the Fund in its capacity as valuation agent for the ICAV determines a different NAV for the Fund. The AIFM does not warrant or represent (expressly or impliedly) that it is accurate, complete, not misleading or as to its fitness for the purpose intended and it should not be relied upon as such. 
** Historical performance of Class A (IE000XPNDLY2) and Class B (IE000FLPIQ85) are based on their predecessor proxy shares, Class A (CYF000000937) and Class B (CYF000000945) historical prices, as disclosed in the Fund Supplement to the ICAV Prospectus.
The information and opinions contained in this document were produced by the AIFM as per the date stated in this document and it should be noted that the information is valid only on that date and it will be subject to continuous change after that date.
Investors should note that past performance does not predict future returns. The performance data do not take account of the commissions and costs incurred on the issue and redemption of units. The Fund invests in international securities denominated in foreign currency, and movements in exchange rates will have an effect on the value, either favourable or unfavourable, of such securities. The Fund is exposed to geopolitical risk, and any deterioration in the creditworthiness of countries, and/or the imposition of sanctions on countries may lead to substantial losses for the Fund. Some investments, especially financial derivatives, may display a high level of volatility which could result in the net asset value of the Fund experiencing sudden and large falls in its value causing losses when the investment is realised.
The Fund may make use of leverage which could increase the assets under management to more than hundred percent of the net asset value of the Fund attributable to investors, which could substantially increase the potential losses that the investors in the Fund may incur pursuant to adverse market movements.
Investors may redeem shares on the dates as described in the relevant Fund supplement, but investors should note that in volatile markets or where the Fund experiences large outflows, the Investment Manager may at his sole discretion suspend the redemption of shares. In addition, the Investment Manager at his sole discretion may impose a redemption charge on any particular dealing date. The factors described above and in more detail in the Fund Prospectus and Supplement, may lead to losses which may equal your original investment resulting in a loss of the total sum invested.
The investment in the Fund may not be available to or suitable for all investors. Investors should make their own investment decisions based upon their own financial objectives and financial resources and it should be noted that investment involves risk, including, but not limited to, the risk of capital loss. Disclosures about the risks and rewards of purchasing shares in the Fund may be found in the pre-investment disclosures documents, and specifically in the Prospectus and Supplement of the Fund, as well as the KIDs for the share classes. Investors should obtain and carefully review the pre-investment disclosure documents from the Investment Manager ( or from the Administrator prior to considering an investment decision. Blue Diagonal Capital Ltd or its employees may from time to time have long or short positions in securities, commodities, warrants, futures, options, derivatives or other financial instruments referred to in this material subject to compliance with its personal transactions policies.
None of the material, nor its content, nor any copy of it, may be altered in any way, transmitted to, copied or distributed to any other party, without the prior express written permission of Blue Diagonal Capital Ltd. All trademarks, service marks and logos used in this report are trademarks or service marks or registered trademarks or service marks of Blue Diagonal Capital Ltd or its affiliates.
Blue Diagonal Capital Ltd accepts no liability for loss, either directly or indirectly, arising from the use of the material presented in this report, except that this exclusion of liability does not apply to the extent that liability arises under specific statutes or regulations applicable to Blue Diagonal Capital Ltd

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Performance & Metrics (since Fund Inception - 31.12.2017)

Fund's latest Performance Report 


Won "Best Credit Hedge Fund – Emerging Market Debt" at the Hedgeweek and Private Equity Wire 2023 European Credit Awards in London.


EUR Share Class A (hedged):

Lipper ID: 68540673
Bloomberg: BDEMFIA ID Equity
USD Share Class B (hedged):

ISIN: IE000FLPIQ85    
Lipper ID: 68511890
Bloomberg: BDEMFIB ID Equity
Institutional - EUR Share Class I (hedged):     
Lipper ID:  68679566
Bloomberg: BDEMFII ID Equity
Institutional - USD Share Class J (hedged):     
Lipper ID:  68679567
Bloomberg: BDEMFIJ ID Equity

The fund is externally managed by Blue Diagonal Capital Limited, an Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM) regulated by CySEC.

Investor Documents

Fund Information is available at

Fund Factsheet

Fund Objectives and Investment Policy

The objective of the Fund is to provide the best possible investment returns over a typical market cycle (rolling 3-y period) by investing in emerging market fixed income securities. 

The fund invests primarily in hard currency bonds issued by sovereigns, quasi-sovereigns and major corporates, mainly in emerging markets.

The investment manager seeks to preserve capital and generate an absolute return with low volatility. The investment strategy entails a bespoke investment methodology to implement the investment strategy by:

  • determining the risk appetite for the portfolio based on the investment manager’s global macro and EM views, and
  • constructing the portfolio by employing fundamental sovereign and corporate credit analysis with the help of a series of proprietary bespoke analytic models.

The methodology aims to identify on a relative basis those credits which in the absolute discretion of the investment manager demonstrate an appropriate ability and willingness to repay, and the risk of repayment is appropriately reflected in the implied yields of bonds or other investment products which provide exposure to these credits.

How to Invest

Please contact us for further information on how to invest. 

This Fund is only marketed to professional and qualified investors. Minimum subscription is EUR 100 000. Investing in the Fund is prohibited to US persons. Investors must read the Fund’s Prospectus and Supplement before deciding on the suitability of investing into the Fund and obtain their own tax advice.

ESG Disclosure

The ESG disclosure of the fund is in the Prospectus. 

Each fund has its own specific ESG Disclosure (click below): 
Blue Diagonal EM Fixed Income Fund - ESG Disclosure

Regulated Authority

Blue Diagonal EM Fixed income Fund is a Fund of the Blue Diagonal Funds ICAV.

The ICAV has been authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland (C524852), and the Fund has been authorised as a QIAIF by the Central Bank of Ireland (C528868) . 

Blue Diagonal Capital Ltd is the external manager of the ICAV and  is a Cyprus Alternative Investment Fund Manager authorised and regulated by CySEC (AIFM15/56/2013) in accordance with the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Law of 2013 as amended. 

Link to Central Bank of Ireland website

Link to CySEC website